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31 May 2022
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Medical Tourism
Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

In cases where the person gains and loses too much weight, or in people whose lower jaw is structurally smaller and behind, sagging skin can be observed at an early age.


Health Guide

Neck Area Structure

The neck is the beginning of the spine and spinal cord. In the spine, there are about two dozen bone fragments that are connected to each other called vertebrae, which are different from other bone structures. The neck contains seven of these, known as the Cervical Vertebrae, which are also the smallest and uppermost vertebrae in the body.

The spine extends from the base of the skull to the pelvis. It houses and protects the spinal cord, a long bundle of nerve tissue that transmits nerve signals to the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord extends from the nape to the narrowest part of the back.

The laryngeal protrusion, more commonly known as the Adam's apple, is a conspicuous feature of the outer neck. The laryngeal protrusion is much more prominent in men than in women. The reason for this prominence is the structure of the thyroid cartilage, which forms the body of the larynx, and this structure develops during adolescence.

The Adam's apple typically joins at a 120-degree angle in women, while in men it joins at a 90-degree angle. For this reason, while the Adam's apple is more prominent in men, it is less noticeable in women.

Speech is possible thanks to the critical structures in the neck. Sound is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx. The larynx is located at the back of the mouth and nasal cavities, where the pharynx divides into the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (esophagus). This separation occurs near the collarbone and the nape of the neck.

What are the deformations that occur in the neck area?

The neck region is one of the regions that reveal the age of the person the most. With aging, the angle between the neck and the chin becomes unclear due to the sagging of the neck skin.

In cases where the person gains and loses too much weight, or in people whose lower jaw is structurally smaller and behind, sagging skin can be observed at an early age. In people who are overweight, the profuse skin that develops over time may also be accompanied by lubrication in the under-chin area.

In addition, with aging, vertical bands and horizontal wrinkles begin to appear on the neck skin. These wrinkles can be corrected with a surgical procedure called platysmaplasty. Fat accumulations and skin sagging in the neck and chin area negatively affect the facial expression of the person, causing them to look older than they are, and all these changes form the basis of aesthetic concerns.

What Causes Neck Wrinkles?

Collagen, as the most abundant protein in the body, ensures that the skin maintains its structural properties and forms the joint tissue between the muscles and bones. The body naturally produces collagen. However, with aging, the amount of collagen produced in the body decreases. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic and wrinkles appear.

As the natural collagen level drops, so does the amount of natural oil found in the deeper layers of the skin. When an empty space is formed under the skin layers, sagging occurs where the skin was previously tight.

Neck lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. It can be caused by the skin losing its elasticity and exposure to UV rays. In addition, factors such as the posture of the neck when using technological devices such as mobile phones, smoking, not using sunscreen, stress and wrong sleeping position have the effect of accelerating the formation of wrinkles.

Can Neck Wrinkles Be Stopped?

Surgical and non-surgical methods can be used to reduce the appearance of neck wrinkles and lines. In addition to medical aesthetic procedures such as H100 youth vaccine, salmon DNA, botox, ultherapy and mesotherapy, procedures such as neck lift aesthetics and suspension method can also be applied.

However, neck wrinkles are a condition that develops due to aging and aging is an ongoing process. For this reason, it is normal to see sagging and loosening in areas that have been stretched by surgical or non-surgical interventions.

What are Neck Lift Techniques?

Different surgical and non-surgical techniques can be applied in neck lift aesthetic surgery. And which technique will be applied is determined according to the structural characteristics and needs of the patient.

Cervicoplasty: It is a surgical method applied to rejuvenate the neck by removing both excess skin and excess fat, and to tighten the muscles that cause the saggy and loose neck appearance. It is a commonly performed procedure to give patients a more prominent profile in the neck area.

Extremely loose skin folds may occur in aging skin, and in cases of excessive weight loss, excess skin may hang from the neck and cause a double chin appearance. In cases where patients have prominent neck bands, cervicoplasty is usually performed together with platysmaplasty to tighten the underlying muscles.

During cervicoplasty, the patient lies on his back. The area is infiltrated with a liquid combination of lidocaine and epinephrine solution. The lidocaine in solution numbs the area, while the addition of epinephrine prolongs the effect of the anesthetic, reduces bleeding, and allows larger doses to be numbed. A z-plasty incision is made on the neck, which will look like a "z" but will close as a continuous straight line. Excess skin and fat are removed. Muscle stretching is not performed in cervicoplasty. The purpose of cervicoplasty is to reduce or remove excess skin under the chin and neck area.

Platysmaplasty: It is a cosmetic procedure in which the underlying neck muscles are tightened to provide a more pronounced neckline in patients. It provides rejuvenation not only in the neck area but also under the chin. In this procedure, only the muscles are tightened without removing excess skin and fat. It is usually applied together with cervicoplasty.

In the platysmaplasty procedure, a small hidden incision of 1 cm is made under the chin. The endoscope is inserted to provide a better visualization. The platysma muscles are tightened and stitched together to reduce the appearance of neckbands and create a single muscle layer called the midline platysma app.

The purpose of platysmaplasty is to improve the appearance of unsightly lines and neck bands in the neck and chin area, as well as loose and saggy neck skin and fatty jowls.

Liposuction: It is generally preferred in younger patients who have good skin elasticity. With the liposuction method, the neck is thinned and the neck angle becomes more pronounced. In this method, which is frequently used in neck shaping, fat is taken from tiny incisions made under the chin. After the procedure performed under local anesthesia, a corset should be worn for a certain period of time.

Botox: The method applied in the signs of aging in the face, chin and lower part of the neck is applied by injection into the area. In this method, also called Nefertiti botox, botulinum toxin is injected into the lower parts of the face, chin and neck.

Botulinum toxin is a substance obtained from bacteria that temporarily blocks the nerves in the muscles to prevent contraction in the area where it is injected. Nefertiti botox targets the platysma band that runs vertically from the bottom of the face to the collarbone. With the injection made to certain parts of the muscle, the lines in the lower part of the face are reduced and the symmetry of the lower face, chin and neck is equalized. Thus, a more prominent chin appearance is obtained.

Kybella Injection: It is an injection technique used to reduce excess fat under the chin. A synthetic form of deoxycholic acid is used in the process, which takes about 15-20 minutes. In the Kybella injection, which does not require an incision, the fat cells in the area are targeted.

Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid naturally produced by the body to help absorb fat. In the Kybella method, where its synthetic form is used, the fat cells under the chin area are destroyed after the injection and they become unable to store fat. Injection should be done by a specialist, as it may cause other cells to die in this process.

Before the procedure, the application area is marked, local anesthesia or ice can be applied to prevent any pain and discomfort that may occur. The acid works over the next weeks to gradually kill the fat cells metabolized by the body. How many sessions of treatment is needed may vary from person to person. It gives effective results in people with moderate to severe fat accumulation in the under-chin area.

Ultherapy: Ultherapy is applied as a non-invasive treatment to stimulate the body's natural collagen and elastin production. With the effect of ultrasound waves, the lower layers of the skin are reached. In this way, a controlled damage is created in areas where collagen production is less. Then the skin gradually accelerates the production of collagen. Since the depth of the carrier connective tissue under the skin can be reached, a tightening effect is created in the area. As a result, tensions occur in the neck skin.

Strap Method: In this method, which can be applied to people whose skin elasticity is not seriously damaged, liposuction is also performed if necessary on the neck. Then, small incisions are made under the ear. The neck skin is hung in the form of a hammock using special threads. If needed, it can be applied in combination with chin prosthesis and fat injection.

Laser: The laser method, as one of the methods used in neck lift aesthetics, provides extremely effective results against lubrication in the jowl area. At the same time, the tightening of the skin tissue in the jowl area is also possible with laser application.

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